
A peck of approval and a warm hug

Toby is my fiancé’s faithful shadow

Just celebrated 3 years or sobriety with my 1 year old.

Legitimately the purest thing I’ve ever seen

This is Obee, my brother in law's rescue pelican in Beirut Lebanon at his seafood cafe. With all that's going on in this city he offers some happiness and reprieve from all the sadness here. Obee pops in for his daily treats and then heads back to sea.

This is golden!

This is so sweet.

We found a kid goat trapped in a pit yesterday. Took care of it overnight and decided to find the owner but to no avail. Instead, we found a group of goats with the same white fur on top of their heads so we tried to put him on the ground. Ninja chopping onions moment

My son and his kitten watching TV


If you need a smile, here’s a sugar glider taming a kitten

drama queen

Leave no buddy behind

It's noon in San Francisco.

A young arctic fox approaches an awestruck photographer in Greenland

he’s ready to go!

Herd of deer relaxing under cherry blossom trees

After months of loneliness I adopted this little guy. Meet Frodo.

With the end of the pandemic no where in sight... decided I needed a companion. Meet Bunsen, adopted from the Humane Society at 4 months old!

Be excellent to each other.

🇨🇦 Bear helping make the world a bit better

Very content

Golden trying to stay awake after a long day at the park

Are you my mom?

My dad told me "no more cats". He also texted me this picture of my new cat 3 days ago.

It's all fluff!

Quarantine has been hard on me but also for my girl. Today we safely took a walk to the beach and she swam for the first time ever. This is her after a long day in the water. Absolutely exhausted.

No DNA test needed

“How can I get all the kisses when you’ve got that mask on?!”

Be merciful to the people and animals

Don’t get up, I got room

Going down the stairs in style

first day in Cusco, Peru and I met an alpaca

So I made this little guy❤️ I didn't expect him to be so cute so I thought I'd share.

Dinner time!

They've found the perfect 'judge you from afar' position.

Pet the darkness

Not all cats hate having their toe beans rubbed.

Sir Patrick Stewart soothing new foster pup to sleep.

Pupper doing the flop of absolute love

Love transcends species

Baby elephant takes first steps 🐘

I think she reeeeeeeally wants something.

I still think of this loaf of bread I met on Cat Island in Japan

Magnificent Great Dane

A sweet-tongued black meow with amazing eyes.

Would you like a cup of cat?

Precious Goldie is happy

The only remake I will pay to see

Every morning at the same time a sweet stray angel visits this cafeteria to get her daily dose of love and food [via wildtakes]